You know it’s going to be a great day when you can slip out of the office and have a day of adventure in one of West Virginia’s State Parks!
After our morning adventure of learning to rappel and rock climb (Click here to read Part One of my Quest Adventure), Jenna and I headed back to the North Bend State Park Lodge where we met with Kristi Steed the Group Sales Coordinator at North Bend for lunch in the restaurant attached to the lodge.
Being so far off the beaten path I assumed there would be a limited lunch menu, but I was mistaken they had anything from Taco Salad to a Mini Corn Dog and French fry special, Kristi ordered an amazing looking dish of bacon cheese fries! Lunch was delicious and the sweet tea (I am a connoisseur of good sweet tea!) hit the spot after that morning’s Quest.
The lake was only a short drive from the lodge out a winding two-lane road. Unlike rock climbing, I was familiar with kayaking, but this experience was different because we had a guide who had information about the wildlife, along the lake, the fowl that we passed along the way and you had to navigate around trees and logs which I really enjoyed.
Our Guide, Trace Elder, was so fun, we laughed and talked like we had been friends for a long time. As we paddled along he would point out areas to avoid because of the dead trees just below the surface that could snag our boat.
This 305-acre lake was the ambiance of peacefulness. We saw deer grazing on the banks, geese with their goslings swimming along, Red-headed woodpeckers in the dead trees, over 5 Blue Herons and a beaver lodge that is being built (I have been in love with beavers since I listened to The Chronicles of Narnia; sadly we didn’t get to see Mr. & Mrs. Beaver… Maybe next time).
The afternoon was so enjoyable that we hated to see it end. After storing our kayaks and bidding Trace farewell, we headed to Harrisville to purchase chocolate covered walnuts from Berdine’s 5 & Dime. Berdine’s bills themselves as the oldest operating 5 & Dime in America, whether they truly are or not, it is definitely a must see. From traditional candy, you can’t find anywhere else to antiques and trinkets you have to stop in and experience it for yourself!
Gather more information about your Quest Adventure at North Bend State Park here.